Prenatal Massage at Willow OB|GYN

We believe that holistic practices can both complement and enhance the healing process


Relaxation and stress reduction

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends prenatal massage as a good way to relax and improve circulation.

Reduce pains and strains

Massage therapy techniques are helpful in providing relief on weight-bearing joints – alleviating tightness and pain in areas such as the lower back, hips, pelvis and ankles.

Improve blood circulation

Massage therapy helps provide regular blood flow to the uterus, placenta and fetus, promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, and accelerates the removal of waste products, improving both mother’s and baby’s tissue health.

Prepare for labor

Massage therapy methods used to release pain are also effective to increase muscle and joint flexibility, particularly in the pelvis and legs, which is useful for childbirth.

Improve respiratory and GI function

Some expectant women tend to feel short of breath or experience nausea a result of the growing uterus restricting the diaphragm area. Prenatal massage, can help alleviate these symptoms

How often should I receive Prenatal Massage ?

  • We recommend monthly appointments until 27 weeks.

  • Twice monthly appointments from 27 weeks to 36 weeks.

  • Weekly appointments from 36 weeks until you give birth.

  • Postnatal massage as directed by your care professional.