Skipping Your Periods? It Could Be a Hormonal Imbalance

No two women have the exact same menstrual cycle. But if you’re skipping periods or have other symptoms, like short or long cycles, breakthrough bleeding (spotting), or very heavy periods, you could have an underlying hormonal imbalance

At her private practice in San Antonio, Texas, board-certified OB/GYN Kelly Morales, MD, offers comprehensive women’s health services, including treatment for imbalances in your hormones. Seeking treatment is key, as ongoing imbalances could affect your fertility and overall health.

Here’s a closer look at hormonal imbalances, what to look for, and how we can restore your hormonal equilibrium.   

Understanding hormonal imbalances

Hormones are chemical messengers that help your body function properly by taking messages through your blood throughout your body. When you have too little or too much of one or more hormones, you have a hormonal imbalance. 

Many medical conditions result from hormonal imbalances. Hormones regulate everything from your metabolism and blood sugar to your overall growth, mood, and sexual function. 

For women, several hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone, control your menstrual cycle and periods. If one or more of these get out of whack, you can experience significant issues with your menses, including skipped periods.

Signs of reproductive hormonal imbalances

The symptoms of hormonal imbalances can vary based on the hormones involved and the levels of the hormone. Generally, if you’re experiencing an imbalance in your reproductive hormones, you might experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Irregular periods (including missed periods, heavy bleeding, and long or short cycles)

  • Infertility

  • Mood swings

  • Low sex drive

  • Increased pain during your period

  • Digestive symptoms (e.g., constipation)

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Acne and skin symptoms

  • Weight gain or loss

Some women may also experience insulin resistance and have a higher risk of developing diabetes and gestational diabetes during pregnancy. 

Treating hormonal imbalances

Before recommending a specific treatment, Dr. Morales first reviews your medical history, discusses your symptoms, asks about any supplements or medications you take, and talks to you about any relevant lifestyle factors. 

She then completes a comprehensive physical exam and may order additional tests or imaging studies to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. With this information in hand, Dr. Morales designs a personalized treatment plan to restore your hormonal balance and address your symptoms. 

Depending on your unique needs, your treatment plan may include one or more of the following therapies:

  • Lifestyle changes (e.g., exercise or dietary changes)

  • Hormone therapy

  • Hormonal birth control 

  • Other prescription medications (e.g., vaginal estrogen)

  • Nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation

If you’re skipping periods or have other signs of a hormonal imbalance, don’t wait to get help. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Morales in San Antonio, Texas, to get started today.


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