Myths and Facts About Natural Childbirth

Are you expecting a baby and thinking about drug-free labor and childbirth? If so, you’re among the many women who opt for natural childbirth

Natural childbirth isn’t the same for every woman. Instead of getting an epidural, it may include working with your partner or a birth assistant to help you through labor pains with massage, hypnosis, and other relaxation techniques you select.

No matter what labor and childbirth experience you desire, at Kelly Morales, MD in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Morales listens to your concerns and discusses your best options for labor and delivery, keeping your health and safety and that of your baby top of mind. 

Our team has put together some of the common myths surrounding natural childbirth and provided the facts so you can make an informed decision. Take a moment to learn what you need to know.

MYTH: You can’t have a natural childbirth in a hospital.

FACT: It is possible to have a fully natural childbirth in the safety of a hospital.

Each year, thousands of women go the natural childbirth route inside of a hospital. If this is your plan, it’s important to convey your wishes to the hospital staff. Dr. Morales works with you ahead of time to develop a birth plan that helps you cope with the demands of childbirth so you can stay all natural.

Some of the benefits of having your baby in a hospital include:

  • On-site monitoring and intervention, if necessary

  • Fast access to an operating room in an emergency

  • Lower risk of child mortality

  • Access to labor pain relief, if you request it

MYTH: You have to have a doula with natural childbirth.

FACT: You can have a natural childbirth with or without a doula. 

While the help of a professional birth assistant, like a doula, can be helpful, it’s not necessary for successful natural childbirth. If having a stranger in the delivery room isn’t your cup of tea, there are many things you can do to manage labor pain without a doula.

Dr. Morales offers progressive and holistic prenatal care that includes birth planning and collaborative care with the people you choose to have with you during delivery. Taking a childbirth class can prepare you for what to expect and help you determine what methods will help you during labor.

MYTH: Natural childbirth is riskier than the alternative.

FACT: Natural births are not riskier than a medicated birth simply because they’re natural.

Natural childbirth is a safe alternative to labor and delivery. It can become risky to the health of mother and baby, however, if the mother refuses medical intervention if things don’t go according to the birth plan. 

Dr. Morales discusses the risks involved in every birth and the importance of being open to medical intervention for your well-being and your baby’s health and safety in the event complications arise.

MYTH: Natural childbirth makes you a better mom.

FACT: The way your baby is born does not impact your ability to be a mother. 

Some women discover delivering a baby without pain medication or other interventions is empowering. But for about 32% of pregnant women, a vaginal birth, let alone natural childbirth, isn’t possible due to complications, and a C-section is needed. For many women, labor and childbirth fall somewhere in between all natural and surgical.

To learn more about your natural childbirth options, contact Dr. Kelly Morales at our office in San Antonio, Texas, by calling 210-570-7277. 


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