Experiencing Vaginal Discomfort? Learn More About Votiva

As a woman, your sexual health is important — mentally, physically, and emotionally — and we want you to know that we understand that. For far too long, countless hours and untold millions of dollars have been thrown at the problem of men’s sexual health, while women largely suffered in silence. Thankfully, the medical world is stepping up to address issues concerning vaginal discomfort, and we’re proud to be a part of this effort.

At our practice, under the caring and expert leadership of Dr. Kelly Morales, we help women in San Antonio navigate every stage of their lives, from their reproductive years through menopause and beyond.

One area that has been particularly frustrating for us was finding effective solutions for vaginal discomfort, which is why we’re thrilled to offer Votiva. Tapping advanced radiofrequency technology, we can restore health to your vaginal tissue, allowing you to find new joy in your sex life.

Here’s a look at vaginal discomfort and how Votiva can help.

The many roads to vaginal discomfort

Vaginal discomfort is a wide-ranging term, but what we’re really talking about is vaginal dryness and/or thinning or irritated tissue that makes sexual intercourse uncomfortable. The tissue inside your vagina is like any other tissue in your body, which means it requires ongoing resources for optimal health.

One of the leading causes of vaginal discomfort comes on the heels of menopause, which marks the end of your reproductive years. This transition is precipitated by the shutting down of your ovaries, which are the primary source of your reproductive hormones.

These hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone, are not only responsible for your eggs, they also ensure that your vaginal tissue is in the pink of health in order to facilitate intercourse and childbirth.

When you experience a drop in estrogen and progesterone, your body no longer receives the strong signal to keep your vaginal tissue healthy and well lubricated. And resources begin to dry up, as can your tissue.

While not all women lose vaginal tissue health, many do, which can lead to moderate-to-severe problems with thin tissue and vaginal dryness that make intercourse extremely uncomfortable.

There are other roads that lead to vaginal discomfort, such as childbirth or certain cancer treatments, but the end results are largely the same, which means our treatment can tackle the problem regardless of how you arrived there.

The Votiva solution

Votiva is an innovative solution that delivers gentle radiofrequency energy into your tissue, without harming the surface area, to restore tissue health. First the energy is absorbed into your vaginal tissue as heat, which spurs a mild healing response.

This response typically comes in the form of renewed collagen and elastin production, which are the two proteins responsible for the tone and elasticity in your skin. With these resources restored, your tissue has the support it needs.

Votiva also improves circulation, which further shores up your tissue and can also improve the health of your nerves for increased sensitivity.

Most women undergo several treatments, which take only minutes, for optimal results. As you progress through your treatments (typically 3-5), you’ll notice a gradual improvement in your vaginal tissue, which becomes more toned and hydrated. From there, many women return every six months for maintenance treatments.

The bottom line is that with Votiva, we can restore your vaginal health, helping improve your quality of life. Simply give us a call to take back control of your sexual health. Or you can use the easy online booking tool on this website to set up an appointment.


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