4 Abnormal Period Symptoms to See Your Doctor About

Your menstrual cycle and period are unique to you, and no two women have the exact same period symptoms. If you experience symptoms outside of your ordinary period, it may be challenging to know what’s normal and when to schedule a gynecological checkup.

Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Morales and the rest of our care team at Kelly Morales, OB/GYN in San Antonio, Texas, offer expert diagnosis and effective treatment for abnormal periods

If you have any of the four symptoms discussed below, it’s time for medical intervention, and Dr. Morales would be glad to see you for an evaluation. 

1. Uterine bleeding after menopause

Menopause should mean the end of your periods. If 12 months have passed without any bleeding, you’re officially menopausal. If you have any uterine bleeding after menopause, you should be evaluated by Dr. Morales. 

Post-menopausal bleeding is never normal and may be the sign of a serious underlying condition, including:

  • Endometrial or uterine cancer

  • Cervical or vaginal cancer

  • Infection or trauma

  • Overgrowth of the uterine lining (endometrial hyperplasia)

  • Thinning of the uterine lining (endometrial atrophy)

Bleeding after menopause may also indicate the presence of benign (noncancerous) but troublesome uterine growths, like fibroids or polyps.

2. Bleeding through feminine products

Some women are indeed blessed with light periods while others struggle with heavy bleeding each month. While heavy periods aren’t necessarily a sign of a medical issue, it’s important to schedule an exam to rule out other issues such as:

  • Endometriosis

  • Uterine fibroids or polyps

  • Ectopic pregnancy

  • Chronic medical conditions

If you bleed through your feminine products during your period, need to change your tampon or pad every 1-2 hours, need to get up at night to change your feminine products, or pass large blood clots, schedule an exam with Dr. Morales.

3. Periods that last longer than a week

On average, periods should last between 3-7 days. If you’re getting periods that last more than a week, you could be among the 5% of women with a condition called menorrhagia. 

Menorrhagia involves heavy periods lasting longer than seven days and can be a sign of:

  • Different types of cancer

  • Uterine abnormalities or conditions

  • Hormone imbalances or irregularities

  • Other underlying health conditions

Not all women with longer-than-average periods have a serious underlying condition. But long periods can cause disruptions to your normal activities, lead to iron-deficiency anemia, and even affect your sleep. Delaying medical intervention and treatment could make these issues worse. 

4. Bleeding between your periods

Intermenstrual bleeding, or bleeding between your periods, can occur for many different reasons. While some causes of intermenstrual bleeding are easily treatable, others can indicate a serious health concern. 

Possible causes include:

  • Stress or lifestyle issues

  • Hormone imbalances or irregularities

  • Uterine or cervical growths (fibroids, polyps)

  • Pregnancy or miscarriage

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Uterine or cervical cancers

Bleeding between your periods can also be caused by certain medications. It’s important to see Dr. Morales for an accurate diagnosis so that she can appropriately treat your intermenstrual bleeding. 

Help for abnormal periods

If you’re struggling with abnormal periods, the team at Kelly Morales OB/GYN can help. Dr. Morales discusses your symptoms, reviews your medical and family history, and conducts a physical exam to uncover the root cause of your period trouble. 

Once Dr. Morales understands what’s causing your abnormal bleeding, she creates a personalized treatment plan for you. Treatments vary depending on the underlying issues and may include medications, hormone regulation through birth control, or minimally invasive treatments, like endometrial ablation or hysteroscopy. 

If you have questions about abnormal uterine bleeding, don’t hesitate to contact our experts at Kelly Morales OB/GYN. Call our office in San Antonio, Texas, at 210-570-7277 to schedule an appointment today.


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